Microsoft is sponsoring a
handsome contest for games developed using XNA. The entry submission period ends this Tuesday and I've finally managed to get
Weapon of Choice submitted for review!

It's been a hectic few weeks getting in all the last pieces of art, sound, and code but the real fun came about week ago in the form of hurricane Ike. Yes, I've been working on the game in southern Indana but that doesn't mean the storm didn't cause real damage and trouble here.
Kentuckiana had a wind storm that lastest for 3 straight hours with recorded winds over 80 mph! Miraculously the house maintained electricity and water while most towns nearby had their services knocked out. Unfortunately internet connectivity was broken by the storm. This isn't normally big a deal, but frustratingly Microsoft requires a constant internet connection while an XNA game is being debugged on the Xbox (they site security reasons). With the contest ending within days I really needed an internet connection the entire time I was working and debugging the game.
With connectivity unavailable for some time in the south we packed up Xbox, computer, router, monitor, and enough cords to build a statue of
Locutus and moved north to Indianapolis for the week! Graciously my sister and brother-in-law allowed us to set up shop in their upstairs loft for a few days where the internet flows like so much sweet wine. From there, brother-in-law and
fellow entrepreneur Jon Coulter play-tested, as did my old friend, and
bake-ware creator Matt Griffin. With some solid 360 play time over 30 crash bugs were found and fixed (all related to threading, in the form of one thread changing data which a different thread was currently also trying to change). Without such varied playtesting I'm not sure if I could have stumbled upon all the bugs myself. The next drama came Saturday in the form of
technical difficulties uploading game submissions for the contest.

Finally, earlier this afternoon the server problems cleared like a tropical storm blowing over and
Weapon of Choice was uploaded successfully! And now it's time for a little rest before the big push to finish the game for this Holiday season and the launch of
Community Games!