As work continues on
Grapple Buggy, I thought I'd plop in a design for one of the levels. For those
Weapon of Choice fans, the levels in
Grapple Buggy will be quite different and much more in number than what we've done before. This particular level is sandwiched between others, and will be encountered as you're exploring later through the opening area of the game.
This is a
technical illustration of the level, with the slightest pixel conveying intense meaning and intentional direction.

Okay, I'm kidding, it's a really loose sketch that serves to guide the construction of the level. The final level won't end up exactly like this so I'm trying not to spoil too much by showing it!

And finally say hello to a hearty bin of
Grapple Buggy shirts on their way out to the lucky winners. Congrats shirt winners!
"For those Weapon of Choice fans, the levels in Grapple Buggy will be quite different and much more in number than what we've done before"
Awesome! I am really hoping this game gets better exposure for you than Weapon of Choice. I like that you have kept a similar style to the artwork even though the game will obviously offer a completely different and unique way of playing (controlling). With Weapon of Choice(& Buggy too) I think your artistic designs really jump out at the player and really pulls you in right away with the pay off being well constructed boss fights, but what cements WoC as a really great little game is the amazing controls you have put in it, you really took advantage of the dual analog controller and that's why WoC feels quite a few steps beyond the feel of platformers of the past, I'll give you the credit that is assuming you designed the controls too?
The addition of a map HUD is excellent. The video shows off the game really well(really good music and sound effects with this game too)and reading your blogs it's looking like Grapple Buggy is going to be a bigger game than WoC. Keep keeping all of us informed.
I really like the bright florescent blue on the ground and ceiling area in one of the pic's. Looks like an underwater area, I also like the white glow effect of the little squidy creature. You know how to make games, I think you know how to make games fun too & that why this game is going to be freakin' great.
Thanks! I'm glad you liked Weapon of Choice--yes I designed the controls in it as well as most other things in the game.
The bright blue level you're referring to in Grapple Buggy is a special sequence of caves leading up to a new powerup. It's meant to evoke an underwater feeling while keeping you dry. All of this is meant to convey the strange, alien planet on which the new game takes place.
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