Why play shoot'em ups one ship at a time? Launch them all at once!
Unleash an entire armada of ships in Shoot 1UP!

Instead of stowing each 1UP you collect, each new ship becomes playable immediately, resulting in an ever-growing armada of destruction!
With your home world ruined, lead your detached battalion's charge by destroying the mechanical-tentacle hybrid forces responsible for your pain.

- 1UPs INSTANTLY enter the ACTION!
- Command over 30 ships at the SAME TIME!
- 2 Player coop for over 60 SIMULTANEOUS player ship INSANITY!
- WEAPONS UPGRADE as you collect more ships (And downgrade when you lose them so stay sharp!)
- Sacrifice ships for a BULLET-VAPORIZING BOMB which increases in power the more ships you've collected!
- Manic Shooting without all the wailing and gnashing of teeth--NORMAL GAMERS can actually enjoy this!
- Hardcore? Jump into the action several waves in for THUMB-TWISTING difficulty!

See Shoot 1UP in action! Play it in
Here's the press kit with screenshots, title, and trailer.
Check out this free, super-duper early version of Shoot 1UP to whet your whistle!
And what's UP with Grapple Buggy? Short answer: it's coming along fine. Long answer: read this!
Hello !
It's great ! This shmup seems awezome :-)
Is it planned coop online mode ?
Thanks for your job ;-)
Thanks! Really glad you like it.
Coop right now is offline only (same couch).
I think online coop shooters can really get hampered by lag so the best way to handle it is simply offline only. Things could change, but that's where it is currently.
Sined -
I don't think there is even one online shmup in existance. because of the lag issues. The first person(s) to develop an online shmup that plays with little to no lag problems. Is going to have one popular game!! I believe it could even bring the genre back to a more mainstream/popular status(for better or worse).
N.F -
I have not got a chance to play a lot of Weapon of Choice(updated Ver.) yet(maybe 45min - 1h). Wow I really liked the death-brushing feature before but now after playing with the new difficulty levels I can fully appreciate DB.
Another new appreciation I found with the new update was - when playing on the two hardest difficulty levels which both feature disabled death-brushing - that I can't just choose Xerxes Remington and shoot across
the levels with controlled recklessness and blast away from an enemy as soon as I enter DB. So consequently I'm appreciating all the (other) characters much more.
I think I made mention before - at so time - that "WoC is such a freaking great game but it feels to short for how good it is" now with the new difficulty update/upgrade it is definitely a game worthy of quite a bit of playing AND replaying -
From what I've played so far: I can say that I'm liking the the direction of the various *enemy AI additions/changes.
Great, I'm really glad you like the new additions! I tried within reason to add a few more interesting things to do.
Nathan - This looks pretty bad ass. it's very reminiscent of 8-bit style games. Of course with your own art-style. can't wait to play this. Will it have global leaderboards? please please please.
R-type has online coop and that works well for the most part. As long as each person has a good connection. I honestly don't think lag would be too bad in this game as it doesnt appear to be a bullet hell...at all.
I'm looking into a way to supply ad-hoc 'global' leaderboards. It should work pretty well, though I haven't tested it yet. Fingers crossed.
As for online play, I've looked at it and considered for it more and I think it's safe to say it's off the table for Shoot 1UP, sorry. There will still be offline coop available.
great, it is beautiful and very fun. Its a pleasure to find a superb shot up in 2D. Thank you very much
Can't wait till shoot 1up to be release later next week been waiting for something to satisfy my Gradius III hunger and R-Type just doesn't cut it, but from what I have been seeing this might be it. I finally connect my 360 to the internet just for it. P.S Do most of my gaming on the PS3
when playing on the two hardest difficulty levels which both feature disabled death-brushing - that I can't just choose Xerxes Remington and shoot across.
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